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Mentoring Scheme

The M25 Mentoring Scheme is intended to support non-senior staff in the Consortium’s member libraries. The scheme will dovetail with SCONUL’s mentoring scheme for senior staff. The core purpose of the M25 Mentoring Scheme is to support library staff in their professional growth by facilitating mentoring relationships with more experienced colleagues. The scheme also aims to support the progression of LGBTQ+ and BAGM staff by giving mentees the opportunity to be matched with a mentor from a specific group or background. Both partners in the mentoring relationship will learn and gain from the experience, and this in turn will sustain a continuous learning cycle within the Consortium.  

This will be achieved by: 

  • promoting M25 Mentoring as a valuable tool within an individual’s own development portfolio. 
  • managing a process within which those seeking a mentor can be supported in identifying a suitable partner. 
  • providing guidance and support for those participating in M25 Mentoring. 
  • providing opportunities for mentees to be matched with a mentor from a specific background or group. 
  • monitoring and evaluating M25 Mentoring so as to deliver continuous improvement and demonstrate impact. 

Call for mentors

Are you working in an M25 member library and have experience as a mentor or would like to try mentoring for the first time? We are looking for mentors who want to support the professional development of others and in doing so, contribute to their own professional development. The M25 Mentoring Scheme is aimed at supporting non-senior staff across the Consortium’s 55 member institutions. Mentors should have at least two years’ experience at a level equivalent to or higher than the proposed mentee, therefore, we are seeking mentors from a wide range of library roles and levels of experience.

To apply, please read the Mentor Guidelines and complete the application form below. Application forms and any questions about the scheme should be sent to:

Mentor Guidelines

Mentor application form

M25 Mentoring Scheme Guidelines (includes mentor and mentee guidelines)

Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form

Interested in being a mentee?

The M25 Mentoring Scheme is now open for applications from mentees to be matched with mentors.

To apply, please read the Mentee Guidelines and complete the application form below. Application forms and any questions about the scheme should be sent to:

M25 Mentoring Scheme Guidelines (includes mentor and mentee guidelines)

Mentee application form