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Annual Conference

Every year we hold a Conference, either in person or online. We look forward to welcoming you to our Annual Conference in 2025 in person at the University of Greenwich on Tuesday 24 June.

Whether looking to the recent past or future, every year our annual conference enables delegates to return to their institutions with practical ideas to follow up and consider implementing in their own service.

Our conferences are attended by a wide range of library staff, from library assistants to directors of library services. The type of libraries they represent reflect the diversity of the M25 Consortium membership: HE libraries represented alongside scholarly national, museum and special research collection libraries.

The M25 Consortium’s 2024 annual conference took place virtually on Thursday 6th June.

Presentations from the day are available on the Annual Conference 2024 page.

Past Conferences

2023: ‘Sustainability and Kindness’

2022: “All things being equal: the regional contribution of libraries”

2021: “The Future of Libraries” 

2020: “The Future of Libraries”( Posters only, event cancelled due to Covid-19)

2019: “Diversifying our services”

2018: “Engaging users”

2017: “Inspiring staff”

2016 : “Measuring our impact and demonstrating our value”