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List of M25 libraries participating in Access25

M25 Consortium member Access restrictions & additional notes
Aga Khan Library
Anglia Ruskin University
Birkbeck, University of London  Borrowing is also allowed: limited to 5 items. No borrowing of short loans or audio-visual items.
British Library
British Museum For some departmental libraries appointments must be made in advance.
Buckinghamshire New University
Canterbury Christ Church University No access during revision/exam time (ie. March-June)
City, University of London Borrowing is also allowed: maximum 5 items at a time. No borrowing of short loan items permitted.
Courtauld Institute of Art
German Historical Institute London
Goldsmiths, University of London Borrowing is also allowed: 4 ordinary loan books for 3 weeks. No short loans or audio-visual items.
Horniman Museum The library is only open 2 days a week so access is restricted to those days. Please enquire with the library for details.
Imperial War Museum Appointment must be made through booking form on the Museum’s website and five working days’ notice is required
King’s College London Borrowing is also allowed: up to five four-week loan items
Kingston University Borrowing is available for a fee, please enquire with the library for details.
Lambeth Palace Library
London Metropolitan University
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Borrowing is also allowed: maximum of 5 items
London South Bank University Borrowing is also allowed: 4 books from our main library collection (books mostly have a loan period of 2 weeks at a time)
Middlesex University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen Mary, University of London Non-QMUL Members have restricted access during term time. That is Mon-Fri from 7pm, weekends anytime. During our 24/7 period (around Easter vacation) we withdraw access to visitors
Regent’s University London
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Royal College of Art Borrowing is also allowed: limited to 5 items – no short loans and no films
Royal College of Nursing
Royal College of Surgeons of England Please contact if you wish to visit. The Library is open 10:00-17:00, Tuesday to Thursday.
Royal Holloway, University of London Please contact if you wish to visit and/or would like to borrow any items.
Royal Society of Chemistry Please contact if you wish to visit and/or would like to borrow any items
Royal United Services Institute
The Library is closed for refurbishment until Spring 2023, please check the website for information 
Royal Veterinary College Access is Monday to Friday, core hours. May be restricted at peak times. At least one day’s notice prior to visit is required
Science Museum We are normally open Monday – Wednesday but please check the website in advance of visiting.
Senate House & SAS Libraries Staff from libraries participating in Access25 will be issued with a free day ticket to access Senate House Library only, on production of the normal Access25 and home ID cards
SOAS, University of London
St George’s, University of London Borrowing is also allowed: two 3-week loan books
St Mary’s University, Twickenham The main campus library is open access, however the Naylor Library (which houses the Education subject stock) is access controlled and therefore visitors must make an appointment in advance.
Borrowing is also allowed:  4 items at a time (not DVDs)
The National Archive Library
University College London Borrowing is also allowed : 5 books at a time
University for the Creative Arts Borrowing is also allowed: up to 6 ordinary loan items
University of Bedfordshire
University of Buckingham
University of East London
University of Essex
University of Greenwich
University of Kent
University of Reading Access not available to M25 users during the Examination period outside core hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Mon – Sun i.e. overnight
University of Surrey Borrowing is also allowed: 4 General loan items only, which are issued on a 2 week basis. All borrowed items automatically renew if not reserved by another user of the library
University of Sussex
University of the Arts, London Access to all colleges is by appointment only. See:
University of West London Borrowing is also allowed: up to three 3-week loan items
University of Westminster
University of Winchester
Victoria & Albert Museum
The Wiener Holocaust Library Borrowing available by becoming a library member (for a fee)

Note: a dash in the table above indicates that no additional access restrictions and/or notes have been provided.

The following libraries do not participate in Access25. However there may be another way to gain access, e.g. by paying. Please contact the library in question.

  • Ravensbourne