Providing Support for Disabled Users
Making libraries more accessible: providing support for disables users
Room G3 (Ground Floor) New Hunt’s House, Guy’s Campus, Kings College, London Bridge
Audience: Librarians, managers, frontline and specialist staff.
• To provide a forum of discussion on disability;
• To provide examples of good practice in the area of disability support.
• Deb Viney, Disability Advisor at SOAS, “The impact of the Disability Equality Duty on our service to users”
• Richard Gray, freelance disability awareness trainer and academic librarian, “People first: involving disabled/Deaf students in making your service accessible”.
• Jo Taplin-Green (LSE) on the ‘buddy’ system of support at LSE
Cost: £15 for cpd25 institutions, £30 for non-members.
To book please email the administrator, or complete the online booking form