New Managers Toolkit – Day 1 [Event Ref. No. TG4/NMT]
cpd25 are delighted to offer this exciting course run by Beryl Morris (Day 1) and Erica Sosna (Day 2). Both are highly skilled and experienced facilitators.
The course will run over two days and provide an introduction to management skills for all those new to a management role, or for staff who would like to refresh their basic management skills.
The first day, on Tuesday 5th April (09.45 – 16.15), will cover management essentials.
This will include an introduction to being an effective manager, motivation, delegation and managing yourself. This is a practice based course and there will be plenty of opportunity for practical work, discussion and the exchanging of ideas and experience.
The second day, on Friday 15th April (09.45-16.30), is entitled “Communicating to get things done”. As a new manager, responsible for a team, you want to make sure you get the most out of them. You can achieve this by making use of simple tools and approaches that raise performance, participation and motivation. Learn how to share information effectively, make use of great minds in a meeting format and develop strong rapport with both users and staff. This practical and interactive session will leave you with three hands on solutions you can immediately integrate into your management style.
Programme for Day 1: Management Essentials
9.30: Registration with tea, coffee & biscuits
9.45: Welcome and introductions
Refining the agenda
10.15: The challenge of management:
– Defining ‘good’ management practice
– An introduction to management skills and styles
10.45: Coffee
11.00: Motivation matters:
– Practical work on employee engagement
– Helping staff to feel valued
– Motivating people to perform well
– Providing scope for development
12.30: Lunch
13.15: Delegating tasks to others
– Practical exercises and discussion
– Exploring a framework for delegation
14.45: Tea
15.00: Managing ourselves
– Making time to manage well
– Finding sources of support and further development
16.00: Action planning session
16.15: End of Day 1.
Programme for Day 2: Communicating to Get Things Done
9.30: Registration with tea, coffee & biscuits
9.45: Welcome and introductions
10.00: Clarifying aims and outcomes of the day
10.15: Making meetings work effectively – practice in using meetings to get things done
11.30: Coffee break
11.45: Project planning and action planning skills
13.00: Lunch
13.45: Speaking and listening skills – for conflicts and to check understanding
15.45: Tea
16.00: Problem solving – questions and answers
16.15: Feedback, reflection, action planning and close.
Venue for Day 1: B211, Brunei Gallery, SOAS;
Venue for Day 2: B204, Brunei Gallery, SOAS;
To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via
Cost: £280 for cpd25 members and £330 for other institutions.
Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.