Managing Self Issue
Self Issue Seminar
7th February 2005
9.30am to 1pm
London College of Communication
Board room A/B
This seminar brings together speakers who have experience of self issue systems in various forms. Topics covered will include choosing and adopting self issue, training, publicity, affects on other services, using self issue as part of a 24/7 strategy, using RFID with self issue. The seminar will interest those who are thinking of using self issue and those who are expanding their self issue systems. There will be a chance to look at the self issue system recently installed at the London College of Communication at the end of the seminar.
9.30am Coffee & Registration
10am – 10.35am
Sarah Mahurter, Information Services Manager, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London will discuss the staffing implications involved in installing and providing a self issue system.
10.35am – 11.10am
Carole Symes, Library Manager, Harrow Campus, University of Westminster will talk about training and publicity issues involved.
11.10am – 11.30am Coffee
11.30am – 12.05pm
Alan Hopkinson, Middlesex University, Will consider self issue in the context of RFID – particularly related to short loan
12.05pm – 12.40pm
Heather Knights, University of Hertfordshire, University of Hertfordshire have had self issue for 4 years. Self issue & return now covers approx 85% of their circulation traffic. Heather will discuss the way frontline services have been affected, and the role of the ‘issue’ desk staff. Also how they persuaded students to use it.
12.45 A visit to see the Self issue system at the London College of Communication
1pm Finish
Venue details
London College of Communication
Location: Nearest station – Elephant & Castle
Location map:
Cost is £25 for CPD25 members, £35for M25 affiliate members and £45 for other institutions, including refreshments
Please note that there are 30 places available for this event, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Bookings will close on the 31st January 2005 and any cancellations after that date will incur a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a “no show??? on the day 100% cancellation charges will apply.