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Leadership Briefing: Failing forwards


1:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Royal College of Nursing
20 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0RN

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The briefing will focus on the experience of lived leadership, which does not always match a pathway of a straight line always moving in an upward trajectory. The event will be a discussion amongst the M25 leadership members about where work has not gone how we hoped, results were not realised, and outcomes were not what we had expected, and we plan to include an open discussion element. We have a variety of speakers, who in a safe space will share and discuss their experiences of reflective practice, failing quick and fast, allowing and managing risk, as well as how to recover (personally and for the service) when something just goes wrong. Chatham house rules will apply.


Dr Richard Espley, Chief Librarian, V&A Research Institute, National Art Library and Archives

Liz Jolly, Chief Librarian, British Library

Kate Price, University Librarian, Queen Mary University of London

Rowan Williamson, Associate Director Library Services and Support, University of the Arts London


1.30  Welcome and refreshments

2:00 Introductions and housekeeping

2:05 When early initiatives in post aren’t as successful as hoped
Richard Espley, Chief Librarian, V&A Research Institute, National Art Library and Archives

2:20 Riding the emotional rollercoaster: learning to make confident and authoritative decisions in the ups and downs
Rowan Williamson, Associate Director Library Services and Support, University of the Arts London

2:40 Looping the loop: From reflective learning to reflexive practice
Kate Price, University Librarian, Queen Mary University of London

3:00 Refreshment Break

3:05 The recent British Library data hack and their experiences
Liz Jolly, Chief Librarian, British Library

3:35 Panel Discussion and Q&As

4.00 Ends


  • M25 Consortium members receive one free Leadership Briefing place per institution per year (this is the second briefing of the year for 2023-24). Additional places cost £75
  • Non-M25 Consortium members £112.50

Please note that bookings for this event have now closed. Please contact with any queries.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee.
In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members