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Introduction to Financial Planning


6:00 pm

Event Type

cpd25’s programme of ten two-hour workshops was devised primarily to support CILIP Chartership and ACLIP candidates. However, many of the events in the programme are highly relevant to staff working as Library Assistants, Senior Library Assistants and so on. The events are aimed, therefore, at all levels of lirary staff – who may or may not be seeking Certification or Chartership, but who wish to further their professional skills and development.

To understand the importance of sound financial management, sources of funding and the factors which influence financial decision making

By the end of the session participants will:
1. Understand both the institutional and the library strategic planning context
2. Appreciate the stages of the budget planning cycle
3. Understand how to allocate funds to resources and services within budget constraints
4. Understand how to use budget modelling to make staffing changes within financial constraints
5. Understand the main elements of financial control

A mixture of presentations, discussion and practical budget planning exercises using Excel

To be confirmed.

Pre session requirements
This is an interactive workshop with a range of group activities. No financial skills are required but an ability to use simple Excel spreadsheets will be helpful, but not essential.

Places are available on the whole series (£140 for cpd25 members, £190 for external organisations) or individual events (£25 for cpd25, £45 otherwise).

Venue: Maughan Library, Kings College London

Led by:
Jean Yeoh, Director of Corporate Services, King’s College London

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