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Focus On Disability: Supporting Dyslexic Students


1:00 pm

Event Type

Focus on Disability: Supporting Dyslexic Students

Venue: De Morgan House, London Mathematical Society

Audience: Librarians, managers, frontline staff and specialist staff.

Aims and purpose of the session:
• To provide a forum of discussion on disability;
• To provide examples of good practice in the area of disability support;
• To gain an understanding of how best to support dyslexic students.

• Andrew Callen, Liaison Officer, University of Salford “Is E the Answer? Dyslexia users and electronic journal resources”
• Julia Waite and Kay Day, Arts Institute at Bournemouth, on dyslexia support at AIB
• Chris Pinder, Director of Learning Information Services, Napier University – “Reasonable adjustment, teachability and inclusion – an overview”
• Janette McCutcheon, published author and student at the University of Gloucestershire – "Libraries: Loving the Enemy: How dyslexics cope with libraries"
• Simon King, MA Graphics student at the University of the Creative Arts, web designer and sessional lecturer in Graphic Design

Cost: £40 for cpd25 members; £55 for other institutions
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