Events Archive
4th December 2014 09:30-16:30
Reading Lists – Challenge or Opportunity? [Event Ref. No. TG3/READ]
William Goodenough small common room
28th November 2014 14:00-16:30
Visit to the National Theatre archives [Event Ref. No. TG4V/NTH]
National Theatre Archive
25th November 2014 09:30-15:00
Managing the Learning Environment [Event Ref. No. TG3/MLE]
The Hardy Room at the London Mathematical Society
18th November 2014 10:30-16:15
Applying To Study Library And Information Science [Event Ref. No. TG1/LIS]
The Burnside Room, London Mathematical Society
13th November 2014 10:00-16:00
Understanding Mentoring: How to tap into the wealth of skill & knowledge in your organisation [Event Ref. No. TG4/MTR]
Park Crescent Conference Centre
27th October 2014 14:30-16:30
Visit to the BFI Library [Event Ref. No. TG2V/BFI]
BFI Reuben Library
24th October 2014 10:30-16:30
Marketing your library: How to reach out to library users in the virtual world [Event Ref. No. TG4/MARK]
The London Mathematical Society
25th July 2014 13:30-16:30
Is there an app for that? [Event Ref. No. TG3/APP]
The Hardy Room at the London Mathematical Society
15th July 2014 14:00-16:00
Visit to the National Autistic Society Library [Event Ref. No. TG2V/NAS]
The National Autistic Society
11th July 2014 14:00-16:00
Visit to The Sheppard Library, Middlesex University [Event Ref. No. TG2V/SHEP]
The Sheppard Library, Middlesex University