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Counter Cultures [Event Ref. No. TG5/CCUL]


5:00 pm

Event Type

We are pleased to offer a session on the changing nature of work at the counter and helpdesks.

Topics being addressed will include:

· The changing nature of the helpdesk and the different services now being offered

· Changing communication methods

· Converged services

There will also be an opportunity for a tour of the Nightingale Centre either at the begininng or end of the sessions. The Nightingale Centre has recently been extended and incorporates a learning café, student information points and uses RFID technology.


1.15 – 1.55 Arrival and registration
(1.30 – 1.50 Library tour – group 1)
1.55 – 2.00 Welcome
2.00 – 2.35 Amanda Krebs
2.35 – 3.10 Christine Haddock and Paula McGuffie
3.10 – 3.30 Tea/coffee break
3.30 – 4.05 Franko Kowalczuk
4.05 – 4:40 Karen Belsham and Rowan Williamson
4:40 pm Close
(4:40 – 5:00 library tour – group 2)

Venue: Flexible Learning Centre Nightingale Centre Kingston Hill Campus Kingston University.

Information on getting to the Nightingale Centre at Kingston Hill Kingston University:


Karen Belsham ( Senior Information Advisor) Kingston University

Karen is a Senior Information Advisor within the Customer Services team. For the last year she has been seconded to work with colleagues from Student Services to deliver an increased range of services for students from the LRC helpdesks. Developing the points has proved very successful with the students and the take up of services has exceeded expectations.

Rowan Williamson (LRC Manager) Kingston University

Rowan is the LRC Manager at Knights Park the Art, design and architecture campus for the past three years. Her role as the chair of the Equality and Diversity group led to her involvement in Kingston’s project to develop an integrated student support model, setting up links with other student services. Her role has been to build up relationships with these staff, encouraging them to have a presence in the LRCs by offering student workshops and drop in sessions, and to work with them to advertise their services and co-ordinate them with what the LRCs can offer.

Chris Haddock Library Services Manager Liverpool John Moores University

Paula McGuffie Customer Services Manager (Aldham Roberts Library) Liverpool John Moores University

The department of Library and Student Support (L&SS) was brought together in May 2009 following a thorough review into the student experience.

L&SS was created by bringing together services and associated staff from Learning and Information Services and the Student Campus Centres and administrative services previously offered from the Faculty Offices. The new service operates from the three Learning Resource Centres (Aldham Robarts, Avril Robarts, I. M. Marsh) The services provided by L&SS include:

• Library and learning resources: includes collection management, digitisation, circulation of learning materials, purchasing, copyright support, information literacy, research support, archives, study support, liaison with academics

• ICT support: includes open access PCs and peripherals, open access copying and print services, lap top loans, IT enquiry support, IT workshops for staff

• Student administration: includes enrolment, student records, finance, coursework submission, withdrawals, module registration.
• In addition, the LRCs will provide space for other student services, most notably careers and employability and welfare and counselling. This approach provides all core student support services in one campus-based location

This placing and management of all student facing University services represents a huge change to the culture and practices at Liverpool John Moores University and has been achieved in a relatively small space of time.

Amanda Krebs Customer Services Manager University of Bedfordshire

Amanda Krebs is the Customer Services Manager at the University of Bedfordshire. She is responsible for setting up a network of student helpdesks across the different campuses and overseeing the delivery of services to students. I have set up this Blog to keep staff and students informed of developments

Franko Kowalczuk, Enquiry Services Supervisor, King’s College London

Franko Kowalczuk currently manages the Enquiry Service over four sites of Kings College in London as well as providing library services to several hospitals. Franko manages QuestionPoint, 4 Help Desks, an email Enquiry Service, a dedicated IT Call Centre and the College Switchboard Team. They are a fully converged service.

Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via

* When you book please indicate which tour you would like to attend: 1.30-1.50pm or 4:40-5:00pm.

* If you would like a parking place please tell us when you book your place at this session.

Cost: £60 for CPD25 members and £75 for other institutions.

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members