Access to Electronic Resources – Are you ready for Shibboleth
cpd25 Access to Electronic Resources – Are you ready for Shibboleth?
Monday 21st May, SOAS, Brunei Gallery Room B202
Shibboleth is coming. The Athens contract with JISC runs out in July 2008 and the age of Shibboleth will have arrived. Are you ready? How will it differ from Athens?
This is an opportunity to hear what Shibboleth is and what it might mean for your library. We have put together a series of presentations which will help you to understand much more about what is in store.
1.30 – 1.50 Registration
1.50 – 2.00 Introduction
2.00 – 2.40 John Paschoud, LSE:
“Why the LSE got Shibbolized … and
What it meant for the Library?”
2.40 – 2.55 Break
2.55 – 3.35 Nicole Harris, JISC
3.35 – 4.15 Margaret Flett, UCL:
“UCL’s preparations for Shibboleth”
4.15 – Round up and close
Booking Information:
Cost £40 for cpd25 members and £70 for other institutions, including refreshments.
Please note there are limited places available for this event. Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ the full fee will be charged.
Please book online at, or contact Dave Puplett: