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Privacy Statement

The M25 Consortium is committed to protecting your privacy. This statement contains information about how your data is collected and used by the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Please address any queries to the Executive Manager. 

Collection of information 

We may obtain personal information from you when you do one of the following: 

  • enquire about our activities by email or telephone 
  • make an online booking request to attend one of our events 
  • register a user account on our website 
  • gain a position on one of our committees 
  • complete a proxy form for a General Meeting 
  • make use of the Access25 scheme 
  • take part in a survey 

We may also receive information about you from your employer or education provider on your behalf. 

The types of information collected might include personal name, employer name, email address, job title, postal address, telephone number, and special physical or dietary requirements. In the case of Access25, data is collected by individual Members and passed to the Consortium in an aggregated and anonymised form. There may at times be a request for special category data to inform the work of the Consortium to the benefit of our members. Involvement in this type of data collection will be optional and any data collected will be done so anonymously. The purpose of collecting the data and the details on how it will be used will be specified on a case-by-case basis.  

How do we use this information? 

We may use your personal information to provide you with the services or information you have requested, e.g. to book your place at an event or to enable communication between the Consortium and yourself. We may also use it for administration purposes, e.g. to maintain our membership records, to raise invoices and process payments. 

We may need to share your information with our service providers, associated organisations and agents for these purposes, for example speakers at events and mailing list providers. You are advised to consult the data protection policies of these third parties for further information. 

Do we use ‘Cookies’? 

Cookies are used by Google Analytics to collect anonymous data on your use of the Consortium’s website. 

How do we protect personal information? 

We take appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used and to fulfil our legal obligations. The Consortium’s website has an SSL certificate to secure its communications. The Consortium does use third party providers for certain functions, e.g. Jiscmail for the provision of mailing lists and Digital Ocean for website hosting. 

Third Party Services 

The Consortium utilises third party services to assist in the delivery of some of our services (e.g. JISCmail and Google Forms).  When you interact with these sites you may provide information about yourself to those third parties. The Consortium is not responsible for how they collect, use and share your information. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of the websites you choose to link to from the Consortium’s site, so that you can understand how these websites collect, use and share your information. 

Updating your personal information 

The Consortium will endeavour to ensure that the personal data held about you is accurate and kept up to date. Should you wish us to update or delete your personal information held by us, please contact us. 

Website visitors 

In order to provide a better online service the Consortium collects aggregated, anonymised information about website usage from our website hosts and Google Analytics. 

Will we disclose the information we collect to outside parties? 

As indicated above, we may pass your information to our service providers, agents and associated organisations but only in connection with M25 Consortium activities. 

We may also need to disclose your information if required to do so by law. 

Your consent 

By providing us with your personal data, including sensitive personal data, you consent to the collection and use of any information you provide in accordance with the above purposes and this privacy statement. 

Right of access 

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. 


If your personal details change, please help us to keep your information up to date by notifying us at the above email address. 

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement. If we do so, we will post notice of the change on our website and your continued use of the Consortium’s website and services will be deemed acceptance of such changes. 

Revised March 2022