Engaging Students: Obtaining and Using Feedback in Libraries and Universities [Event Ref. No. TG3/ES]
In the current HE environment it is more important than ever that we know what our students want. This afternoon will explore how we can better engage with students and how their responses can influence our decision-making, both operationally and strategically.
Including speakers from libraries and other university services, the session will look at some recent initiatives, large and smaller scale, which have utilised both traditional and more innovative channels of communication.
1.00-1.30: Registration and coffee
1.30-2.10: Rumnique Gill, Head of Customer Experience, Anglia Ruskin University, on Customer Service Excellence (CSE) and their ‘Tell us’ feedback scheme
2.10-2.50: Jo Aitkins, Head of Public Services, University of Leicester Library, on how an award-winning library obtains and uses student feedback
2.50-3.10: Coffee, tea and biscuits
3.10-3.50: Niru Williams, Head of International Student Advice, University of East London, on the International Student Barometer
3.50 -4.30: Ian Clark, Library Systems Officer, Canterbury Christ Church University, on using Twitter and other social media to engage students.
Venue: Room 349, Senate House, University of London, London WC1E 7HU; Website: http://www.london.ac.uk/map.html
Please note that there are limited places available for this event.
To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via cpd25@lse.ac.uk
Cost: £60 for members and £90 for other institutions.
Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.