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Changing Role Of Library Assistants [Event Ref. No. TG5/CRLA]


2:00 pm

Event Type

With the increasing move to self service delivery for front line services, the role of the library assistant has drastically changed over recent years, bringing both opportunity and challenge for all involved. This popular, repeat event brings together a number of speaker, managers and library assistants, who will discuss how the services have changed and the impact this has had on staff roles.

10.00: Registration & tea

10.30: Welcome & introductions

10.45: Cath Morgan, Assistant Director, Library Services, University of Brighton
• General overview of how front line Library Assistant roles are changing (big picture)

11.00: Pete Ryan, Librarian, University of Canterbury
• New build
• Converged desk – one stop shop
• Self reservation
• Preparing for roving

11.30: Questions from morning sessions

11.45: Lunch & networking

12.45: Sue Robertson, Customer Services Manager, Information Services, Kingston University
• 24/7 opening
• Roving

1.15: Beth Logan & Sam Nesbit, Library Assistants, University of Sussex
•RFID/roving/technology – no longer desk bound
•Flexible shelving
•Dedicated front line team

1.45: Questions from afternoon sessions.

Venue: Please note that this has now changed to Senate House, University of London, London WC1E 7HU [Website:]

Registration & refreshments: The Gordon Room (G34);

The Conference: The Bedford Room (G37).

Please note that there are limited places available for this event.

To book a place please use our online booking form or email the administrator via

Cost: £90 for cpd25 members and £135 for other institutions.

Cancellations less than one week before the event will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. In the event of a ‘no-show’ on the day, the full fee will be charged.

Booking form for M25 Members   Booking form for non-Members