Visit – British Museum, Ancient Egypt and Sudan Library
Visit – British Museum, Ancient Egypt and Sudan Library.
25th July 2pm.
The Museum’s Egyptian and Sudanese collections, among the most important of their kind in the world, are underpinned by the library of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan which ranks among the top ten libraries for Egyptology world wide.
The AES library has been in existence since around 1860. It’s aim is to cover all elements of Egyptology and Sudanology. The collection comprises around 18,000 library items, the oldest of which was published in 1636.
The library has a particularly strong collection of older material (including journals going back to the nineteenth century), museum and exhibition catalogues (around 1,100 items), auction catalogues, and the Nubia and Sudan section.
This collection facilitates research into any topic in Egyptology, Coptology, and Sudanology.
Booking Information:
To request a place, please email Dave Puplett:
Emma Wilson to lead.