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Keynote Speakers announced

Annual Conference, in person, 24 June 2025

An announcement: we’re very excited to inform you all of our Keynote Speakers for M25 Conference 2025

Lawrie Phipps, Senior Research Lead at Jisc and Dr Donna Lanclos, Researcher and Speaker, Anthropologist and Folklorist will be opening our Conference with The Wolves are at the Door: An argument for a trophic cascade in libraries

Much has been written about how technology needs to disrupt and transform libraries and library work, mostly by vendors or those who are writing or working with vendors. But what if it already happened, and it happened incrementally and over a period of 30 years so that we didn’t notice it? What if,  in fact, most of us advocated for it?

Book Now and you can attend at our Early Bird Rate. And all our Member Institutions get one delegate place free of charge.

Find out More about the programme and Book Your Place Here: