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Vacancies to join cpd25 Task Groups

cpd25 is the Staff Development and Training programme of the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. Through our events and visits we foster good practice, offer value for money training and provide staff development opportunities for all levels of library staff.

cpd25 is governed by its Chair, Sara Burnett and Working Group, each member of which leads a Task Group responsible for developing events and visits for a particular staff development area. Our highly respected programme of events, visits and training is therefore overwhelmingly curated by our members.

We are currently seeking a new member to join Task Group Two Quality Standards and Legal Frameworks and Task Group Three Operations Management to contribute to the development and delivery of our programme.

“Working with a CPD25 task group has provided me with far more than I expected! I have had the opportunity to meet with library staff both in the CPD25 membership but also nationally, visit other libraries, gain confidence in public speaking and get free training.”
Judith Wells, Customer Services Manager, University Library, ARU Cambridge. Member of Task Group Three, Operations Management.

Joining is a great professional development and learning opportunity. Interested? Email the office for more details: or send your expression of interest to the cpd25 Chair, Sara Burnett