The M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries is a collaborative organisation that works to improve library and information services within the M25 region and more widely across the East and South East.

The Consortium has 54 member institutions, comprising Higher Education, national, museum and other scholarly libraries. Its aim is to provide services and resources for the benefit of library staff, learners and researchers.

Join the M25 Consortium

Annual Conference 24 June 2025, University of Greenwich
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Staff Development Awards applications are open

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or a cpd25 event for free

© German Historical Institute London

Benefits of M25 Membership


cpd25 is the Staff Development and Training programme of the M25 Consortium


  • provides staff development and training for all levels of library staff
  • provides value for money training services for all consortium libraries
  • fosters good practice amongst members and facilitates the exchange of experience

The speakers brought so much enthusiasm and positivity to their talks, truly inspiring.”  Delegate, ‘So you want to be a Subject Librarian?’ 8th June 2023

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M25 Steering Group

The M25 Consortium is governed by a Steering Group comprising elected Representatives from our member libraries.

Find out more

Sponsor the M25 Consortium

Build connections, increase your brand reach, engage with potential customers and upgrade awareness by sponsoring an event or activity of the M25 Consortium.

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Members’ Area

The Members’ Area is an online resource for every member of staff in M25 Consortium libraries.

Use the Members’ Area to access:

  • Virtual learning and development resources
  • Business Continuity
  • Mutual Support Agreement
  • and lots more!

…in a convenient and easy-to-use environment.